



Our mission is to reverse a cycle of disinvestment and restore Wilburton as a thriving district. Since our founding in 2001, Wilburton Main Street, Inc. has become a valued resource for merchants and property owners by implementing the Four-Point Approach practiced by hundreds of Main Street programs around the country. This proven model for revitalizing historic commercial districts focuses on Economic Restructuring activities to recruit new businesses, Design improvements to the district’s infrastructure and buildings, promotion of the district through hosting events and publicizing merchant activities, and the Organization of volunteer and financial resources.

The Board of Wilburton Main Street is the backbone of the program and they have been instrumental in offering support for the implementation of our work plans. We develop work plans each year that cross over our 4 points of Design, Promotion, Economic Restructuring and Organization. Below you will see some of the work undertaken over the past year and some of our goals, as we move into 2023.

Without the support of our investors, none of these successes would be possible. We look forward to working with you in the coming year as you decide the level of investment in Wilburton that works well with your budget and marketing plan.



The Four-Point Approach

Organization – Organization gathers the resources to revitalize our historic districts. The Organization Committee is responsible for coordinating fundraising activities and for building relationships with members and volunteers.

Promotion – Promotion draws people to use our historic districts. The Promotion Committee is responsible for branding and promoting the districts through marketing and events.

Design – Design preserves sense of place in our historic districts. The Design Committee is responsible for stimulating the preservation of historic architecture and improving the streetscape in the districts.

Economic Restructuring – Economic Restructuring strengthens the economic base of our historic districts. The Economic Restructuring Committee is responsible for assisting existing businesses toward increased profits and increasing the reuse of vacant space.


Wilburton Main Street Inc.
P.O. Box 857
Wilburton, Ok. 74578

Phone: 918-917-1030
E-Mail: mainstreetwilburton@yahoo.com