Wilburton Main Street Hosts Annual Partner Meeting

On Tuesday, September 26, Wilburton Main Street held its annual Partner Meeting at Serendipity Event Center. The event was attended by a number of business and building owners who are part of the Main Street program or are interested in joining it. The featured guest was Buffy Hughes, the State Main Street Director from Oklahoma City, who gave a presentation on the benefits of partnering with Wilburton Main Street.

Hughes explained how the Main Street program provides support, training, resources and networking opportunities for the local businesses and helps them revitalize the downtown area. She also shared some success stories and best practices from other Main Street communities in Oklahoma. The event was catered by Unique Grazin’, a local catering company that specializes in grazing boards and charcuterie platters. The attendees enjoyed refreshments  while mingling with each other and exchanging ideas. The event was organized by the Wilburton Main Street president, Josh Ganz.  Ganz stated,  “the meeting was a great way to showcase the achievements of the Main Street program and to encourage more collaboration and participation among the businesses”. He also thanked Hughes for her visit and her valuable insights.

Wilburton Main Street Executive Director, Amanda Byers, said that she hopes to see more events like this in the future and is looking forward to continuing  the work with both the state Main Street office and local business partners to improve the economic and social vitality of Wilburton.

For more information about Wilburton Main Street, Inc., please go to www.wilburtonmainstreet.com.